

Magician of the surface of the water
These channels are the state for which a certain restaurant store manager of a SHOAJIGINGU beginner is fishing every day mostly at Kochi-ken Kuroshio Current street, forty thousand and ten city, Tosa-shimizu, Otsuki, Sukumo, Ehime-ken Ainan-cho and some embankments per Saikai-cho and the channel I’ll notify timely what can be fished at which embankment now by a newsletter. It’s uncle’s grown-up record aiming at YouTuber only by a fishing rod and a cell phone. An aim is bluefin tuna! (warai) I think I’d like to fish green, shore fish, red sea bream and sole. SHOAJIGINGU and Popper top and sometimes keep a metal jig, a red snapper mule and JIGUSABIKI. When you’d consult when wavering in fishing place election on a weekend, I think the crowded condition of the fishing place provides with useful information what can be fished at which embankment now. If I provide with useful information of everybody’s fishing place election, by all means, channel registration question rice, please. Magician of the surface of the water Aiming at a magician in a surface of the water! A new plan and a surf 88 point tour also start, and I exert myself in order to offer the information which can be fished more safely!


  1. 【平フルコース】病気のヒラメを捌いて食べる

  2. 今、話題の“サリュー“で釣れました!!

  3. いわきサーフでリール入魂式釣行2022.03.14

  4. アジの泳がせ釣りでソッコーでヒラメが釣れた話

  5. 九十九里サーフ ヒラメ狙いで釣りしてると、かなりの確率で引っかかるやつ…

  6. 【サーフ釣り】2月サーフ!砂地と岩礁エリア!リンバーで・・

  7. サーフ釣り‼︎ヒラメ釣りに行ったらウシノシタがくっついてきたw

  8. 鹿島灘で釣り対決‼️【だっぺよVSランガン】果たして勝つのは⁉️


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