ばん釣り倶楽部 – 太刀魚@こうゆう丸 – Fishing club Yutenji Motsuyaki Ban – how to catch a cutlass fish –

今回は、新浦安こうゆう丸で太刀魚釣りに行ってきました。eizy は、ルアー、釣り倶楽部竿頭2枚目徳永と4枚目展はテンヤで挑みました。


This time, I went fishing a cutlass fish at Koyuumaru, Shin-Urayasu. Eizy tried the lure, Tokunaga and Zhan, who are the ranking number 2 and 4 in the highest division in the fishing club, respectively, tried Tenya. Tenya is a new lure fishing with a bait. The bait is sardine.

The lures didn’t react at all. I managed to catch two while it was a tough fishing trip. Mr. Zhan caught about eight fish, including several dragon-class ones. I was able to shoot his luring, hooking, and fight with a cutlass fish. Please take a look. I think his timing of hooking is very good.

2:55 luring, bite, and fight by Zhan





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