

Magician of the surface of the water
These channels are the state for which a certain restaurant store manager of a SHOAJIGINGU beginner is fishing every day mostly at Kochi-ken Kuroshio Current street, forty thousand and ten city, Tosa-shimizu, Otsuki, Sukumo, Ehime-ken Ainan-cho and some embankments per Saikai-cho and the channel I’ll notify timely what can be fished at which embankment now by a newsletter. It’s uncle’s grown-up record aiming at YouTuber only by a fishing rod and a cell phone. An aim is bluefin tuna! (warai) I think I’d like to fish green, shore fish, red sea bream and sole. SHOAJIGINGU and Popper top and sometimes keep a metal jig, a red snapper mule and JIGUSABIKI. When you’d consult when wavering in fishing place election on a weekend, I think the crowded condition of the fishing place provides with useful information what can be fished at which embankment now. If I provide with useful information of everybody’s fishing place election, by all means, channel registration question rice, please. Magician of the surface of the water Aiming at a magician in a surface of the water! A new plan and a surf 88 point tour also start, and I exert myself in order to offer the information which can be fished more safely!


  1. 『つるぎ』船長のヒラメ鬼締め。今期1発目。#ヒラメ #ヒラメ釣り

  2. 座布団ヒラメが堤防から針と重りだけで釣れる釣りが凄すぎる、、、

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  6. 釣り師匠よりお裾分け頂きました(2024.02.16)

  7. 波止場で青物 ヒラメ狙う! イワシのぶっこみ釣り!

  8. 【キス釣り】渋いけどまだ釣れる!ヒラメ狙いで期待を込めた泳がせは当たり…


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